Yes, we have purposely designed the Fund, it's processes and governance framework to meet SMSF requirements.
Once your investment has satisfied the minimum investment window (1-year), you can request to redeem part or all of your units. There are two exit windows each year (December and June), with a six-month notice period, to have adequate time to liquidate assets (at the right price) to meet redemptions. As an example, if you request a redemption of units in March, your qualifying exit window will be in December (six months’ notice takes us to September, and the closest next exit window is December). Your redemption will be based on the prevailing unit price at June or December (whichever is applicable). To request the Fund's Information Memorandum, please email
Each quarter an independent expert assessor values the vehicles in the fleet, taking into account a number of variables including the provenance and condition of the vehicle, current market comparables + trends, and past transactions. The value of the vehicles is "marked to market" based on this valuation report. The unit pricing is updated to reflect the impact the valuation has on the Fund's NAV. As an additional measure of ensuring vehicles reflect market value, we alternate between different assessors to ensure that values are not based on any one party's views. This methodology ensures that value is attributed to unit holders even throughout the hold period of a vehicle.
The Mach 1 Fund is strictly an investment fund, not a super car club and as such Fund assets cannot be driven. But, while the Fund is focussed on results before romance, we understand that this is a passion investment, which is why we provide different ways for you to enjoy your investment. These can include a ride-along when a professional driver takes one of the vehicles around for exercise. It also includes viewing events, where we invite investors and their guests to experience the Fund fleet in-person. During these events you get to learn and enjoy your investments in the company of fellow enthusiasts. Past events have included pairing vehicles with whisky drinks, inviting experts to speak about the cars, catered dinners surrounded by the fleet and watching F1 races amongst the cars.
Yes, cars in the Fund are available for sale. Please email us at to make an offer.
If the vehicle meets our mandate and all of the parties to the transaction agree to the valuation and process, the opportunity to trade-in your vehicle for units in the Fund does exist. Please email us at to learn more.
Other than the expenses outlined in the Information Memorandum, there are no additional fees or expenses. Because fees are paid out of the Fund's assets, you are not paying these fees out-of-pocket.
No, event costs are not paid for by the Fund. The Fund is dedicated to maximising financial returns for its investors and spending Fund capital towards events would diminish returns. Events are subsidised by the investment manager and participating attendees.